Part 17: Sins of the Fathers 17: So Let's Drop Mushrooms and Become Schattenjägers!
Part Seventeen: So Let's Drop Mushrooms and Become Schattenjägers!

Dont worry though, well be back sooner than you think! But anyway, TO RITTERSBURG!

Shiiiit, Uncle Wolfys doing pretty fucking okay for himself seeing as he owns his own castle!

Yep, personal maid, swanky castle, I think Id like being a Schattenjäger personally. Well, whats Wolfgangs room like?

Damn. The door on the other side of the room is locked, so I guess Wolfgang didnt want Gabriel to use his private crapper or something. On the other side of Gerde, we find

Okay, so I highly doubt that Gabriels store is Saint Georges by pure coincidence. The tapestries on the wall depict hands being washed, hair being cut, a goblet, blood dripping into the goblet, a knight kneeling, and a scroll. Kaaaay. Well, lets talk to Gerde.
She doesnt have a lot of new information unfortunately, at least not until we get to asking her about Schattenjägers.

Asked about the tapestries, Gerde says they depict the Schattenjäger initiation ceremony.

Well, its time to become a Schattenjäger now. Theres two things we need from the area around Gerde a dagger on the wall, and a container of salt next to her. Now back to Wolfgangs bedroom.

First we open the windows. Next we use the snow on the ledge to wash Gabriels hands. Following that, Wolfgang left a small toiletries kit on the shelf including a pair of scissors. So we take those and chop of a lock of his hair.

Next, theres a framed scroll. We need that. And finally we take the basin on the shelf as well. Back to the chapel.

We put the basin on the altar and put some salt in it. Now, we need Gabriel to put some of his blood in the basin, so we use the dagger on him while we blare some early Linkin Park.

Now we kneel at the altar, and use the scroll. What follows is a magnificent bait and switch, after which Gabriel goes to bed and has a dream about a dragon. The dragon berates him for his impure life, mocking his decision to be a Schattenjäger, and the sets him on fire to purify him.

And now that Gabriels awake, the key is in his room, so we take it.
NEXT TIME: Tracking Down Uncle Wolfgang!